Tuesday, August 6, 2024



my thoughts have turned back to God recently, becoming more comfortable with this loaded word and allowing myself to sink beneath concepts and belief systems, experiencing again the sense of awe that was once invoked through contemplating a universe of mystery. It's not easy to drop those previous labels, and harder still to have a meaningful conversation with anyone who still wishes to defend a particular point of view. Mostly, I don't bother, it's energy wasted.

and I have better things to do.

it's not an easy topic to write of either, and really, I'm not even sure why I am, other than these words just keep appearing and it seems to be the subject for today. I have no point to make, nothing to defend and no new thoughts to offer. 

but I guess there's something for me to say here, that my experience of God is re-emerging as an undefined presence, all inclusive, and seems to be asking me to extend myself as love. I'm also being asked to forgive, not an actual request, no booming voice giving me a command, just a quiet, intuitive sense that deep forgiveness will lead me to an even greater sense of peace than ever known before. Which is amazing, as once, long ago, there was a great peace found in letting go my every thought of God. So, perhaps it's from this empty template that I begin again. 

with nothing added.

no beliefs, and free of concepts.

just forgiveness,

and love.

living my life from here.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Metaphysics

Also, please visit to buy: It's All Mind

Thank you.

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