Saturday, August 17, 2024

Our Addictions

Our addictions: 

it's the most insidious of addictions, preceding every other one, and we're not even aware of it's existence - yet it's damage is evident thought out our lives. We're addicted to our own opinions, thoughts, and seldom, if ever, do we question if we're wrong. Yogic psychology calls this the five afflictions of the mind, kleshas, explaining how we are trapped within a thought matrix that's beyond our daily awareness. We simply don't know that we're addicted to patterns of behavior.

until we do.

and then everything begins to change with this awareness.

but slowly so.

the five kleshas are attachments, our aversions, belief that we are a small, separate entity called an ego, fear of death (the dying of ego) and perhaps the most insidious of all - ignorance that any of this is even so. We live our lives trapped within this play of patterns. They're never realized or questioned, and so it seems we that confidently stride through life believing that we're seldom wrong, loudly sharing our opinions, offering our thoughts as of they were truly our alone.

yet deep within, hidden almost completely from ourselves...

we know that we're wrong.

that it's all the voice of our addiction.

I love the simplicity that A Course in Miracles offers  - that what we're addicted to is fear, and it's a fear that we are small and alone, separate from each other and a greater source of love. It's this fear that we project within the world and this causes our perception. 

we live in a fearful world. 

until we don't.

and that's where miracles come in.

what we're asking for here, praying for really, is a shift in our perception, looking past the effects and going straight to the cause of our projections. We asking to go beyond our own fearful thinking. A miracle indeed - but one that is possible with just our asking.

we're asking to be healed of our addictions.

a different way of thinking.

and the answer to this is love.


so the good news is that healing our addiction is possible, once we're aware that our lives are untenable, and then discovering that there's another option. The opposite of fear is love, and knowing this, it becomes, more and more so, only what we  have to offer. The means of expressing love, extending it, is through kindness, compassion, and most of all - 

forgiving the illusion of our addictions.

it's with this...

the we see a completely different world.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Happiness 

Also, please visit to buy: The Kleshas: Exploring the Elusiveness of Happiness

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