Sunday, August 25, 2024



in lesson 75 of A Course in Miracles we're asked to  celebrate, we're told that the light has come and that we have forgiven the world - which sounds a little premature to me, as I find more grievances deep within that still surface and cause no small degree of suffering. But I find that right now, yes, I am ready for some celebrating, the light has indeed come, in fact it's always been here, and I am in the process of forgiving all the world. 

each grievance at a time.

so at lesson 75, still barely on the surface of what the Course seems to offer, why celebrate now, has the light actually arrived at this exact moment in my life? And of course the answer is that no, it's not the arrival of light I'm asked to notice, it's my own dawn of near continuous forgiveness that gives cause for my celebration. 

and I'm ready now for this, after 30 years into studying the Course and I'm finally ready to actually live it, to express it deeply through the remainder of my life. That's the light that's come, a gentle rise of understanding that shines brilliantly as forgiveness and love.

I am forgiving all the world.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Another Way to See

Also, please visit to buy: The Business of Forgiveness

Thank you. 

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