Monday, August 5, 2024



without the metaphysics, there's still forgiveness, and that's what makes A Course in Miracles so meaningful for me. I love the unique concept in the Course that what is truly forgiven is the illusion of sin itself, I'm asked to forgive my grievances and resentments and not place the burden upon anyone else's actions. My only role is to see through my own mind stuff, my projections, and go straight to the shared innocence I share with others, not offering them forgiveness - 

just extending them love.

and with this...

my world is instantly forgiven.

the metaphysics of the Course explain this all so beautifully, it's an important concept that helps us understand the mechanics for this dynamic type of forgiveness. But if every explanation was dropped, no reasons given for why this is so beneficial - the value here would be intact, innate within the practice itself. That's enough for me, having found a definite freedom from a host of inner conflict that once kept me imprisoned within my mind. 

forgiveness is the key.


Peace, Eric 

To Read more from Headless Now, please visit: No Other Way

Also, please visit to buy: Practicing Forgiveness

Thank you. 

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