Thursday, August 22, 2024

Tall Order

Tall order:

it's often asked, why should I forgive? 

and the answer is always...

to be free.

that's it really, it's not about being a bigger or better person than the one who hurt us, it's not spiritual bypassing for a quick does of feeling a special way. Forgiveness is seeing through the illusion that we are vulnerable to the attacks of others, seeing innocence in lace of harm, and living our lives free of any attachments that bind us to a hurtful situation. 

it seems like a tall order.

except it's already exactly how we are, invulnerable to hurt and harm, free of grievances and resentments, innocent through our original state of being. But we've forgotten this, we've become small in our exclusive identification with ego, and every attack thought and word seem to give us great concern. 

forgiveness returns us to our original largeness. 

reminding us that we're free.

 with this -we're able to offer only love, because that's all we have to give. 

and the world is instantly forgiven. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: A Small One

Also, please visit to buy: Higher Purpose

Thank you.

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