Sunday, August 4, 2024

No Other Way

No other way:

new endeavors are always challenging, frightening sometimes, especially if it's a  great leap into the unknown and there's no certain outcome promised. For me, it's seeking to earn an income through means of my creativity, scary indeed, as every voice tells me of its near impossibility. Yet for some reason this is what I feel called to do, having a small platform of my own unique perspective and sharing it with the world. My goal is quite small really, earning juts enough for bills to paid, groceries bought, and perhaps buy a book or two with anything left over. 

and to do this all through the means of my creative effort.

I have no idea if this is even possible.

but I'm trying now.

so I'm on the edge here, treading a line of doubt and the hopeful thought of my success. It mostly feels as if I lean towards the side of fear, there's an underlying anxiety present that quietly erodes any sense of confidence. Yet, somehow, for reasons I don't really understand, I continue on, not by faith, nor even the faint hope of succeeding on what seems an impossible goal. 

I just do.

as if there's no other way of living...

than this.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit:  Undoing

Also, please visit to buy: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Thank you.

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