Monday, August 19, 2024

Light of the World

Light of the World: 

there's a reason we see the world as we do. Yoga and Buddhism have keen psychological insights into this called the kleshas, poisons of the mind, and they are explained as an entrapment of our perceptions, keeping us limited in our true vision. A Course in Miracles simply explains it as fear and that virtually all of our fears are caused by the thought of separation. 

we believe that we are apart from others.

each of us alone.


and with this we see a fearful world.

yet the traditions above also claim that there's a light within us all, a sense of divinity, love. Fear, thoughts of separation, and most of all the grievances we hold towards others act as clouds that keep this light from shining to the world. 

here's all we're asked to do -

through forgiveness we are healed, clouds that obscure our light part, and we now shine brightly to the world at large. It is that simple, truly so, but not always easy, as our grievances have a mighty hold and are stubborn to let go. 

but we have a lifetime to practice.

beginning right now. 

and it's always now my friends. 



Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: One by One 

Also, please visit: Don't Believe Everything You Think

Thank you. 

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