Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Why Are You Eating Meat?

I'm often asked about why I am a vegan or more precisely why I no longer eat meat and it's a great question and I have a whole host of answers. Let's stick with one though - I feel better physically, mentally and spiritually not eating meat. I know this because I have an accurate comparison as a life long non-vegan up until the age of 44 or so. Many people tell me that they need meat in order to be healthy or that they know someone who was vegan and gave it up for health reasons. I believe that the real answer is that they simply wanted to eat meat again. So lets flip the original question around - why do people still eat meat? Why do you still eat meat? If you knew that you could get everything you needed nutritionally wise from plants - with no drawbacks of heart disease, diabetes, and low cancer rates. And you removed yourself from the circle of cruelty that feeds our addiction to meat by treating animals as mechanical products instead of living beings - well all that sounds like a pretty good deal. So why are you still eating meat? Taste? Doubtful. Unless you're a hunter or fisherman and eating wild caught game then most people have long since forgotten (if they've even known) the taste of real meat and not the chemically and hormonally infused flesh we consider a meal. More likely your eating meat because it's a habit. Because you've never stopped and asked yourself some seriously hard questions. Because you've never considered the worth of a life other than your own or another human. It's mindless consumption. And it's a shame.


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