Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Blue Skies

In Buddhism there is a lovely analogy of Blue Sky Mind - it's our original nature, our "Buddha" Nature. The sky remains clear and blue no matter what may pass within or beneath it. It does not mistake itself for clouds or airplanes. It doesn't know anything other than blue. Blue and clear is it's nature. Likewise with our own minds - except we commonly mistake our true nature for everything that passes through. Our language points this out clearly - "I am jealous", "I am angry", I am...... - and so we think we are. Yet we're not. We're the clear, blue mind of calm beneath it all. We're Buddha's momentarily confused with a passing cloud of emotion. Meditation reminds us of who we really are. We learn to watch the clouds pass through while we settle into the original stillness of our minds. It's a wonderful experience and one that little by little stays with us outside our sitting meditation. The clouds still come and go and we still may experience the storm of their emotions - yet we remain aware of their fleeting nature while at the same time we retain our sense of blue sky reality. In time, perhaps, the clouds will cease to come all together and we will realize fully only blue skies.


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