Sunday, August 11, 2013

Two Steps For Vegan Success

I believe that the key to being a successful vegan is twofold - 1. Eat wholefoods as the mainstay of the diet. A little bit of faux meat or vegan cheese or chips is fine - especially when first making the transition to a plant based diet. But the bulk of calories should come from fruit, vegetables (lots of greens) grains if they can be tolerated (many it seems can't) starchy root vegetables such as potatoes and yams, legumes and lentils. Eat plenty. The secret isn't in how much protein we get or how little carbs we take it - it's calories. Take in enough high quality calories and the details will be covered. 2. Ethics. Eat for something larger than ourselves - have a purpose. We can change and save the world by how and what we eat, we can diminish cruelty, eliminate starvation and erase each and everyone of our global footprints - all by what we choose to put on our plates. Every meal is a simple choice and yet we seem to willfully keep ourselves unaware of the consequences of our food choices. We think it's easier - it's not though - not in the long term when the dietary karma catches up with everyone. Even vegans will suffer for the mindless choice of momentary pleasure others chose for their meals. We're all in this together. A commitment to the ethics of eating will help us stay on the path.
Two steps.
They might prove helpful.
I hope so.


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