Monday, August 12, 2013

The Law Of Least Effort

Again I'm struck by the yogic law of least effort in it's application in my life. From struggling with a concept in meditation (Jhana absorption) to the mental approach of running a hill during an ultra - it seems the internal battle makes the task all the more harder than it really needs to be. Mentally struggling during meditation actually pushes us farther from the source we wish to reach - it's in the surrender that we finally relax and see that the source was within sight all along. It's the same with running a hill - the steps will be the same regardless of our thoughts on them - yet the struggle of the hill climb will be reduce when we surrender and don't fight the mental battle of "the hill".
These are lessons that I am continuously applying in all different aspects of my life. In fact some days it seems that I'm struggling with the whole concept. And then I remember - and smile - and relax. It's the law of least effort.


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