Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Miley and Art

I think a point that seems to be missed in the media hype of Miley Cyrus's performance is that it was actually just plain old bad. I wasn't shocked and I wasn't embarrassed when I saw it a day later - it's all been done before. And it's been done better by more talented performers. I would love to see young performers move towards a real artistic expression of themselves rather than try and shock. I guess I'm getting old but it seems that art is lost to the young performers these days. Of course there is a vibrant independent music scene now - a wild mixture of rock, folk, bluegrass and traditional country. Punk is still alive on the independent scene and it's a return to the original three chord, Garage Band sound. Art is being made and that makes me happy. There's always room for a catchy pop song - Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines and Daft Punk's Get Lucky are both great examples of Pop with a talented hook to it. I feel a bit sorry for kids and their pop idols these days - how do you shock someone who's seen Johnny Rotten in concert or dropped acid at a Dead Show? Madonna has showed it all and looked better doing so - the past few generations are a tough act to follow. I guess I can't blame Miley for trying.


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