Thursday, August 1, 2013

Change Now (Vegan Rant - Procede With Caution)

There's a disconnect at our dinner tables - the meat that is enjoyed (fleetingly) and the torture that has taken place to bring it to the plate in such a relative cheap fashion. Even the most low income families these days can afford what was once a luxury - meat. Not only that but most Americans will consume meat three or more times a day. Meat is affordable - yet it comes with a heavy price. Not just the health crisis that consumes America and the environmental crash that will most definitely take place for our meat addiction - no, the heaviest toll of all is placed on the animals that are treated as a commodity in order to reach the dinner table. We have placed them out of the realm of living beings and into the hell of a being a product. And in return we have lost a large portion of our own humanity. Something needs to change. We need to change. And now is the time.


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