Thursday, August 22, 2013

Mindfulness And Forgiveness

There seems to be a forgotten element with forgiveness that keeps us trapped in a negative state of mind and unable to fully utilize the gift of peace that forgiveness offers - and it's mindfulness. Mindfulness is about becoming aware of our thoughts and the negative trend they are setting. It's about noticing the effects - both small and large - that our unforgiving thoughts are having on our minds and bodies. Forgiveness produces peace and if we are not experiencing peace than certain issues remain unresolved. Our minds and bodies will tell us as much if we listen with a degree of attention. Mindfulness is the language of self love and it is a silent communication that recognizes our wholeness. We are not separated from our bodies and any dis-ease is a clear sign that we have failed to recognize this fact and have not listened to the best wishes of the body. We are not separated from our minds and stress and lack of peace are the minds attempt to reconnect in the wholeness offered through forgiveness. Mindfulness is clear listening and loving kindness and forgiveness is our response in return. It works - if we listen.


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