Monday, September 12, 2022

The Question Now

The question now: 

and just previously I wrote of how we meditate, detailing the process of thinking the mantra in a gentle and easy fashion, allowing our own internal silence to unfold, listening, simply listening and nothing really more. That's how we meditate, or at least the basic method briefly told. The question now is why, why should we meditate at all, what's the purpose of sitting for an extended time listening to the vibration of a strange sounding phrase or words? 

there's no reason, not really...

but we do it because we're drawn to it, that we possess a deep desire to hear the true silence of the soul,and knowing that somehow beneath our thoughts there is a stillness unmarred by the busyness of the world. We're drawn to know ourselves, deeply so, and meditation is the means we've come to, for whatever reason it's now our path. 

it just is. 

and the reason is mostly a mystery. 

or at least it is for me.

the question now is why, why are we drawn to meditation? And asking this will always provide a near endless list of varied answers, none of which satisfy us as completely true; with each answer being a complexity of reasons, an infinite course of action has led us here and that's all we know for sure. There is never a certainty in asking why, science itself provides no firm basis for reasons of why things happen, relying mostly on an explanation of how and leaving any reasoning to the realm of philosophy and religion. As for meditation - we can simply do the same, there is no one and certain answer, or at least not one that can be relied upon if we ask ourselves this question sincerely. 

or any question, really.

the question now is why, why are we drawn to meditation? 

and the only answer is...

simply because we are. 


Peace, Eric 

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