Monday, September 26, 2022

Quiet World

Quiet world: 

I write often of meditation, noting it's value and importance to me, how through the years it has become center to my creative life and what might be called my spiritual practice. Yet really, I should probably mention how little investment it truly is, a simple technique of mantra and listening, easy focus, and the more subtle nature of the mind just unfolds as my reality. Twice a day, I sit, think the mantra, and find myself in an evermore quiet world, nothing really mystical here, only my own silent nature now shown prominent, and this is all that happens...

just a quiet world.

and so much comes from this, I find myself more centered in a true creative process, seamlessly being part of a greater expression than my own smaller talent, writing is a joy, with words easily flowing from those silent moments found through meditation. I am less reactive now to things that once disturbed, being responsive, more thoughtful and intuitive to my approach with others, with life. More so, my self-compassion has grown, finding a real love existing as my core, readily expressed to my own sorrow and times of deep depression. This is now what I'm able to offer the world, what I give to others in the best of my relations. My true self is all the more accessible, readily shown now. I'm more at ease within the world, relaxed, at peace with every aspect of myself. 

yet even if none of this were so, or perhaps not found stemming from my meditation practice, it really wouldn't make a difference, not the slightest, as my only true point of sitting are those silent moment, that quiet world that's always so inviting. That would be enough, simply sitting, allowing life to happen without my thought-filled interference...simply, only, sitting...

just a quiet world.


Peace, Eric 

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