Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Headless Cosmology

Headless cosmology: 

it's a headless cosmology, my origin story played out through both absence as well as my appearance, a continuous display of emptiness and fulfillment. This is a personal cosmology, an inquiry into my very own existence, noting the unique qualities that appear as thought and form, and then too an impersonal awareness that seems to hold it all within a seamless view. What's found in this investigation is a constant becoming of who I am, a Big Bang of my existence, at first headless and then the world appears, every detail simply finds its way here, a universe in the entirety of its creation. 

right here, noted and examined, lived.

my own headless cosmology. 

this is how it happens, but first it's approached with innocence, with having the curiosity to see what's real as well as holding to the possibility that our reality is very often different than it seems. Here's our origin story, our headless cosmology, and it's happening right now - that we have a head is only an assumption, evidence provided second hand from mirrors, photos, or a report received from others. We've never actually seen our own features, we've never witnessed the true colors of our eyes, or noted anything that even remotely could be called a face or head. Our investigation begins with looking, open minded, curios to see if this is so...

my description is here: 

looking now, retracing the line of vision from objects of the world to the source which holds the view - and nothing is found, emptiness, a true primordial place for my beginning. This is my personal emptiness, a spaciousness prepared for the arrival of my world, and it happens in an instant. That's the Big Bang, no metaphor of description, no theory, but that as soon as I note my own absence...a complete universe appears, this emptiness found to be an allowing place for my appearance. It's happening right now, a headless cosmology, continuous, an entire universe created from a single point of pure awareness. 

of course that's my own description, and I welcome yours, investigate, be curious, look now and tell me what you see...

a headless cosmology is here to be explored. 


Peace, Eric 

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