Sunday, September 18, 2022

Our Personal Cosmology

Our personal cosmology: 

each moment is entirely of creation, an instant personal cosmology of our own affairs, and we can trace the origin of it's story all the way to the Big Bang and whatever came before. It's amazing to consider the infinite moments that have led to this, right now, and whatever is occurring. This is the universe, here, and at this exact point of our existence, the entire cosmos found even through the mundane events that seem to fill our days, we are a ripple in a vast cosmic field of intelligence, energy appearing as a structure. Our personal cosmology is the story of a universe in creation, our ancestors being once brilliant stars exploding with the potentiality of this very moment. 

and in the same fashion we will carry on, something of our essence lasting past our personal existence, endless moments of continuous creation. We are always part of creation, always the universe in infinite redesign of our appearance. In this way we are truly immortal, not as personality, but as the very fabric of the cosmos, that we consist of the basic elements that shape the structure of the universe, existing even in the singularity from which all creation first emerged. 

the cosmology of Kabbalah states that creation itself is simply a thought crossing through the mind of God, and that indeed the universe is all mind stuff, conscious by virtue of belonging to a greater consciousness. This makes us us a self-aware thought within the mind of God, our essence being the same energy of all creation. It's awesome to consider, not just as a story, but that truly we are made of particles that existed at the dawn of time, that space itself expanded as our possibility. Our personal cosmology is no different than the science of creation, we find ourselves included from the Big Bang onward, carried through the creation of both space and time, evolving from a single celled being existing on an ocean's floor, emerging through simplest lifeforms to the more complex existence of who we are now - there is some intent here, an intelligence driven to a further creation. 

and we are part of it all. 

a creative thought belonging to the mind of God.

it's our personal cosmology of existence. 


Peace, Eric 

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