Friday, September 2, 2022



and with only a slight shift of perspective, just a different way to view the world, our lives change from a pursuit of certain objects and concepts of possession to one of joyful expression, and with that we see  that what we are right now is already a demonstration of true significance. Through anyway we view ourselves it's a remarkable arrangement, from six basic elements of construction we have human form, every cell, molecule, and atom works in our favor. Particles gather from infinite possibilities for our achievement, and more so from the Big Bang, alignment of planets, and the endless crawl of DNA and evolution to this very moment now - it's all an expression of true joy. 

it's life.

already, and always a joyful expression. 

none of this is of our doing, with no effort put forth from us for any of this to be. Life simply happens, and this is why I consider it all to be an expression of joy, everything, through every single aspect of our existence. None of this has to be, it wasn't asked for, but it's our nonetheless, or more so, we belong to this, to life, gifted by our very nature. 

so what more is to be achieved? 

what else could we ask for? 

we have life. 

and here's the subtle shift of perspective - there is nothing that we truly have to acquire that adds a basic difference to our lives. We live in a world of abundance and with all we have right now we could feed every starving child, cloth and comfort those in need, care for and heal the environment that serves us all so well. And at no point this mean our own denial of happiness, it's just a slight shift, remember? Here's the difference, the change of perspective, it's from pursuit of happiness to one of knowing that we are already an expression of true joy, and that life takes great pleasure through our being exactly who we are, right now, and without any change at all. Of course we can still have all the things that we once believed would provide us extra meaning, but the pursuit itself is now part of this expression, a built in measure of joy without the stress of anything having to be achieved. 

and with this we are free.

it's all a demonstration of joy, and we take no true ownership of what can only now be viewed as a gift from an abundant world. We share freely of our happiness, seeing ourselves as an expression of this deepest joy, life, and how easily it's been given. 

it's all true now...and only waits for a subtle shift in our perspective. 


Peace, Eric 

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