Saturday, September 10, 2022

Largely Unconcerned

Largely unconcerned: 

 really, I remain largely unconcerned by all the things I'm told that meditation won't accomplish, and mainly, that it doesn't lead to an awakened state of mind. That seems to be the lead argument in certain circles and I won't deny their salient point, as truly, meditation doesn't lead to anything, there's no purpose here, no real end point or goal - not even for awakening. There's no reason to meditate other than being drawn to sit and watch the world unfold, seamlessly so, as what was once believed to be my own personal inner world is now seen as a single view. 

there is simply, and only, the world. 


and meditation is my point of notice, a quiet place for this to happen, and I am content to sit and allow the world to unfold within me, throughout my entire frame of reference, largely unconcerned by my own thoughts and opinions of how it all should happen. I enjoy my time just sitting. Being an observer and participant at once, not needing, nor even wishing, to accomplish anything more. 

just sitting...


largely unconcerned by anything at all. 

the world simply, easily, happens on its own. 

perhaps this is why early zen master Dogen considered meditation to be enlightenment itself,the act of sitting being it's own moment of awakening. Dogen believed that enlightenment was inherent by existence, through all of nature, everything being part of a grand and continuous awakening, each moment, and that meditation is a process of knowing this, deeply so, consciously participating with the cosmic flow of the world because that's exactly what we truly are. Meditation is ordinary mind, it's what I return to by sitting, listening to my mantra play through my mind...

largely unconcerned where it may lead me. 

happy, right here, without need of anything more. 


Peace, Eric 

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