Friday, September 23, 2022

Pure Potentiality

it's not that words are already present, yet they're not really absent either - what I have right now is the pure potentiality of this moment, a page that appears empty and yet holds the promise of every word's expression, everything that's ever meant to be written is existing now, at once, and right before my typing fingers. It's almost as if I only need to begin writing and the words instantly appear, already gathered to be written and my only role is their arrangement on the page. That's what every artist does, trusting in the process of creation, holding site of their work's completion at the very moment of their start, but without concern of how this expression will unfold. 

trusting in the pure potentiality of their moment.

and that's how art is created, more so, everything is viewed as art, every smallest aspect of the world and even the infinite stretch of the universe as well. It's all art, not separate works, not small pieces presented by individual artist through their pride - but the entirety at once, seamless in display. The universe is art, creativity itself in the motion of its greatest work. 

pure potentiality. 

this is what we're part of, it's what we belong to, creation in process, and we're somehow granted a certain grace with our expression, given a definite sense of our ability to participate in this great design. We're artist within the larger framework of an infinite work of art, participants as well singular brush strokes currently displayed. Belonging to this, as a conscious participant of creation, my personal tools are writing, yoga, meditation,  it's all a self-inquiry into the very essence of this design. I am less interested in what words conveyed as I am in the instant  just before they're told, that moment of pure potential where every story exist at once, everything is, and isn't, being both at once up to the exact moment the universe collides in its commitment of display. 

I see it all right now, the emptiness of the page, words urging their appearance...the pure potentiality of this one and only moment. 


so I give myself to writing. 

and words appear. 


Peace, Eric 

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