Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Common Ancestry

Common ancestry: 

there's a common ancestry to the world, to the universe, everything, all being born from the creative burst of a singularity of existence, every element and particle of matter was created in just that moment. It's when we really came to be, our true birth from nothingness to here, an entire universe as our beginning. That how vast we are, how ancient, and more so, how connected - it all stems from that one creative moment, a fluctuation of energy giving cause for a great expansion. 

a desire to be more.

and so the universe came to be. 

that's our common ancestry, our shared origin story - we are literally the universe in continued expansion, a point of self-awareness within an ever greater mind. We consist of atoms existing since the dawn of time, our true bodies being 13.7 billion years old, beyond ancient, we are actually the birth of time itself, and even space came forth as our existence, the universe expanding through its own creative awareness and design. Our common ancestry is of this beginning and continues even now, each moment is created for the gain of self-awareness, furthering the expansion of the cosmos, the universe being delighted by its own sense of curiosity and awe. 

we are the universe in continuous self-discovery.

and so it seems we share a common ancestry, but really, we are simply a temporary arrangement of universal structure and design, our true self is so much larger than an individual life alone, we are the cosmos in expansion, existing as the very cause for space and time. 

we are the universe itself, creative by our nature...

delighted by our own sense of curiosity and awe. 


Peace, Eric 

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