Tuesday, September 13, 2022



the secret is revealed in chapter 13, it's then that Arjuna asks Krishna about the nature of the Self, to please share the reality of who we really are, to provide knowledge of that which seems to stay changeless through a world of change and motion. What Arjuna is asking about is awareness, the eternal witness of both mind and world, and Krishna's answer is that the body is a field of energy and knowledge, and that what we truly are is the knower of all that it displays, being the ceaseless observer of life as it unfolds through its every turn of grace and mystery. 

here, the field isn't just our physical body, it's the world, and all that it's composed of, our larger body really, an extension of who we are as owners of the field. This is pure energy, seamless, a description of reality in it's finest essence, vibrations acting along vibrations through infinite design. It's the universe, an endless, cosmic field. 

and we are the knower of the field.


witness to our own sense of being. 

my favor description is one of light, that consciousness provides illumination to all that appears within its hold, and that most truly its embrace is endless, seamless, with everything simply being an appearance of this light shown in manifest form. The world, life, is consciousness created and displayed and at once, somehow, easily observed. 

it's a beautiful description. 

and honestly, I have no idea if this is so, if I take Krishna truly as his word, or even if my own interpretation is correctly known. What I do know, or at least seem to gather through my own hours of quiet meditation, is that when my mind eventually settles to a deep and lasting stillness - here, the world appears, yet somehow different now, an extension of this quiet field, my own mind being shown to me, witnessed, and that all of life seems to arise from this easy point of observation. I have no idea if this is true, if this is really how consciousness originally appears and shows the world. 

it's enough to just rest in this awareness...

whatever it truly might be.

or if it's even true at all. 

and allow the field to simply be.


Peace, Eric 

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