Saturday, September 24, 2022

Allowing Mind

Allowing mind: 

my practice is important to me, a sacred time really, and not because of what it promises nor any state it might brings me to - no, meditation is just a few moments of the early morning, and again later in the day, completely dedicated to an allowing mind, or perhaps said, to simply noticing this always present allowing mind. It's my time to sit, unconcerned by what I'm thinking, my mantra leading me to more subtle layers of conscious recognition, everything familiar here, and yet fresh and unexplored as well, as if it's new ground I've somehow covered once before, a paradox of remembering an ever changing place of home. To sit, gentle with the mantra, soft, and everything's allowed, whatever thoughts appear, an outside sound, nothing is a true disturbance now...

everything belongs. 

and this is just my time to notice, relaxed. and not push anything away that makes itself known. There's always the return to my mantra, but it's an easy approach, not used as a weapon against intruding thoughts or sounds - as nothing is really seen as an intrusion anymore. The mind allows, that's its deepest nature, a quite and allowing place that's simply unconcerned as to all that passes on the surface. An ocean's depth is often a metaphor that's used, the undisturbed stillness of it's floor, without care to any waves above that crest and fall, untouched by their motion. 

it's an apt description. 

so my practice is just a point of dedication, it's here that I sit and listen to a seamless world, with my thoughts no different than any other sound - I'm listening to it all, and deeper still the mantra takes me, an ocean's depth, a stillness so intimately known that it actually aches to return here, so familiar, and yet often lost, forgotten for the length of time between my sitting. What I find is that I remember this more frequently now, or really, that it's not lost at all and only dims in the course of a regular day, being less drawn to waves of my daily routine, an ocean's floor still even as the day hurriedly unfolds. 

that's my practice, it's not meant for anyone's approval, not even my own, it's simply what I'm drawn to, happily so, a sacred time, quietly sitting, allowing...home. 


Peace, Eric 

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