Thursday, August 11, 2022

With The Quietness of The Breath

With the quietness of the breath: 

sitting with the quietness of the breath, grown so subtle now as to barely feel it's passing, my mantra just a pure vibration echoing all the way through me to the edge of what seems an infinite field of silence - and then...nothing, absolute and aware.

it's been said by Vedic seers that to place an intention at this point of meditation is to be assured of its instant manifestation, a seed planted within the moment's pure potentiality and then immediately baring fruit. It's a skillful means that's beyond me though, even past my consideration, as it's enough to just reach this place of silence, sitting with the quietness of the breath, content to simply let the world happen as it will, without intentions nor concern for my own affairs. 

this could be seen as true spontaneous fulfillment, with nothing more needed than what the moment itself provides. It's a rare occurrence of course, at least for me and at this point of my meditation. Yet it happens, and perhaps not so rare but more often overlooked for the favor of a returning thought that causes my distraction. The infinite field of silence is always present, serving as capacity for every present thought, allowing breath and sound the freedom of their passage. 

meditation is really just the realization that we serve as this capacity and that in certain moments, such as sitting with the quietness of the breath, or listening as the mantra plays softly through the mind until we reach this ever present field of silence - yes, in these certain moments we realize that our every need is met right now, instantly manifested as air supplied for breath, heart beating in a rhythm of fulfillment, life spontaneously and easily occurring without our interference.

sitting with the quietness of the breath, serving the world as this capacity...

and I am instantly fulfilled. 


Peace, Eric 

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