Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Deep Quiet

Deep quiet: 

even more drawn to silence now, earliest morning, well before the glimpse of first light, and meditation seems to happen on its own at this time, almost instantly pulling me to a deep quiet, restful, and yet fully awake to what this moment holds. It's my favorite time of day, pre-dawn, and just so full of magic, secrets only revealed in this hour, and only to those who sit to listen, quietly, deeply so, and the morning then begins to whisper. 

and what I hear is the deep quiet of the soul.

not my soul alone, not an individual one at all, but the world's soul, it's essence, life really, and I'm included here as an aspect of it's expression, soul displayed as a singular portion, but never truly separate from the whole. Just soul. One thing. 

sitting, listening, and what I hear is my own deep quiet acting as capacity for the world to awaken within me, the sounds of the morning happening through the nature of the soul, seamless, everything coming awake in such a subtle fashion, as if testing to see if the silence will hold. This is what I'm drawn to, knowing myself as this capacity, feeling the morning come alive as my own essential self, soul extending itself as my inclusion. 

one thing. 

it's my own deep quiet that I'm drawn to, reflected through earliest morning, just before the first glimpse of light is recognized as the soul awakening to itself, everything slowly, easily, moving towards this recognition. Meditation seems to occur on it's own now, listening to the world come alive from a long night's slumber, knowing myself as the capacity for this to happen. the soul awakens through me. 

my own deep quit acting as its dawn. 


Peace, Eric 

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