Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Essence of Yoga

Essence of yoga:

it's been said that the essence of yoga is found within a single asana, one pose held with steadiness and poise, a dedication to the mastery of stillness within the midst of motion. I love that thought, although I certainly don't have the mindset to pursue that intent, my love of yoga is far ranging in posture and philosophy and I enjoy the full experience. Yet the notion does intrigue me and it has helped me pare my practice down to what I consider essential poses as to what they offer, being of value to mind and body, the very essence of yoga. 

with this in mind it seems that the world opens to me with a new sense of opportunity, to continue to strip my writing down to a bare expression that still contains the merit of a thousand words more. Small beauty is the thought I keep in mind, crafting just one line that carries the weight of the entire point of what I'm writing, similar to one asana holding the essence of yoga in its display. The posture itself is simply the means for a greater realization of who we truly are, with yoga being the union of worlds, physical matched with spirit, emotions grounded to the body. Writing is yoga, and with a single line an author can reach this same realization, union on the page, written through a sense of poise, balance, the small beauty of just a few words offered as the very essence of poetry.

one line only...

the asana of our full expression.

that's the essence of yoga, and truly writing is yoga, everything is - it's all an opportunity to tie our worlds together by a single posture, a well crafted line composed for the sake of some small beauty we've been captivated by, knowing that this one expression contains the entire essence of the world. With this than my practice is yoga, through everything I do, it's all offered as a gift to something far larger than the moment of my single focus. Small beauty. Yet through this, a single asana, just one line written, being the essence of yoga...I touch the beauty of the world. 


Peace, Eric 

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