Thursday, August 25, 2022



to only say that I'm aware, and this really seems enough to me, not having any other claim than the simplicity of knowing myself as such, no belief that I am anything more than what's found within each appearance of a moment. Perhaps even saying that I'm aware is too much, that there's a subtle implication here of someone existing who's apart from this awareness, a lasting entity that's witness to it all. And maybe there is, many enlightened people says it's so, but to me that's speculation outside the realm of experience, I only know this moment and even that's a present mystery. 

it's enough to simply be aware.

and truly it is, it's enough because this moment holds infinite mystery to me, always unfolding as something entirely new, spontaneously, and more so, intimately as my own involvement too. This is what I am because it's all that I can claim to know, just this moment, and if given my attention than a universe appears through me, not a grand claim at all, but happening right now as I pause in writing and feel the early morning rush to greet my senses. I'm aware of soft sounds emerging from a field of silence, faint light just now hinting of a presence, the scent of coffee and the warmth of a cup within my hands. To explore any aspect of this could take my further into mystery than I've ever been before.

an entire universe indeed. 

but it's enough to have this moment, no need to make it anything other than the loveliness of early morning and the warmth of coffee. To be aware is to be grateful, infinitely so, as life continues to offer itself completely to me, and I appreciate all I have right now, not what might be gained later, nor whatever might seem lost through the process of time, but right now, this breath of being alive and that everything aside from this is extra, a bonus given to me by grace and mystery. 

truly so, it's enough to be aware. 


Peace, Eric 

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