Saturday, August 20, 2022

Minor Key

Minor key: 

everything vibrates, indeed, there's nothing but motion in degrees of different frequencies, life itself is simply a vibrational quality of experience. It's amazing to consider, the whole universe vibrating, a cohesive resonance of infinite proportions, and that we are a unique aspect of this great song, a minor note perhaps, but still essential to its play. If this wasn't so, if we weren't truly essential in someway, than we wouldn't exist at all, no vibrational qualities to match our existence. 

no minor note.

what I know of music theory is little, actually less, and really, all I have to offer here is my appreciation, a love for music that reaches to my depth and causes me to truly hear. It's resonance, a response to a certain vibration arrangement that stirs my soul in someway that I can only equate to magic, notes that somehow create a smaller universe of song and the moment of my listening. So aside from this love of music, my actual knowledge of notes and scales is limited, less perhaps, but I do know that although there is a vibrational difference, it's all within a singular pattern of song, a realm of music, sounds, and the infinite possibilities of their expression.

 A minor note is simply another quality of a musical expression.

truly though, it's all vibration, not single notes separated by the absence of sound, but vibrations held to a coherence of a song, one that comes to us with particular meaning. And with this we have the entire universe, holding the potential for every sound, and having a sure and certain meaning because we belong to it, being a note, minor or otherwise, we are essential to its play. 

yes, my cosmology is completely wrong here, as is my musical theory I'm sure - but that's not really what I'm writing about, and the words themselves matter very little. It's resonance, vibrations, and of knowing we belong here, essential, and that's all we truly need to know. 

we belong.

there's no minor key...just the song of our existence.

playing on. 


Peace, Eric 

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