Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Apt Self-Description

Apt self -description: 

and now I've come to prefer the term capacity as an apt self-description, that what I am can't possibly be negated by exclusion alone, although that's a technique that brings to me to the point emptiness. Yet that still seems to be just the beginning of noting my existence. Yes, I am emptiness, serving as capacity, and with this realization I find that I am very full, indeed, nothing truly can be excluded from my reality now. 

everything belongs here. 

this is the headless way, first detailed by the British philosopher/mystic Douglas Harding when he discovered the absence of his own head, that try as he might he was simply incapable of viewing his most noted features. Being curious he didn't stop there, refusing to dismiss this as just the limits of his vision, Douglas gave this absence his full attention and discovered that where he once believed his head was located - resided the entire universe. Douglas Harding came upon his emptiness and then explored the contents found there, seeing himself as capacity for everything that life presented, he was a seamless hold of infinite proportions, he was emptiness as well as it's fulfillment. 


an apt self-description. 

it's easy for us to point towards our own absence, to find ourselves headless too. Douglas and many of his students devised experiments to help us note this fascinating feature of reality. Most simple of all - is to point first towards an object, anything really, and then to note its distinctions, details that seems to make it truly an object, specific qualities that separate it from the rest of its environment. After this we continue pointing, yet now our finger is turned towards the holder of the view, pointing from object to the source which observes it. This experiment is best done with curiosity and innocence, without any preconceived notion of what's to be found. Just look. That's it, everything is revealed right here, emptiness, form, the secret of capacity - we arrive at our own apt self-description. 

whatever it is we find. 

here's what I see, or rather, as well, what I fail to see - there is no physical observer found, headless, without view of any feature that should be familiar to me after a lifetime of assumption, nothing. There is an emptiness here that is serving as a function of awareness, my own selfless nature is found, and yet it also holds a tenderness for the appearance of my self-belief, for the person I long believed myself to be. Everything is free to appear, not limited to just physical distinctions, for my every thought and emotion belongs here too, if only for the instant of their appearance.

of course this is just my view, an apt self-description made from my own inquiry and observation - what I find is of no consequence to anyone else, we are all entitled to our own description. Really, it can't truly be described and I only offer words for the benefit of my taste for lyrics, my love of writing about the continuous results of this inquiry. I see myself as capacity and all the world shows itself within me, endless observations for me to write of, being an infinite source of inspiration. 

it's an apt self-description. 

but just my own.


Peace, Eric 

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