Friday, August 26, 2022

More of A Listener

More of a listener: 

usually it's the first few words, and they always seem a gift to me, gently appearing and inspiring me to follow their lead towards whatever theme will come to mind. Writing is really the art of listening, requiring a high degree of patience and being able to simply wait in silence for words to make themselves known. I am really more of a listener than a writer, as the writing only happens after long moments of sitting quietly and allowing words to reach me.

they always do. 

it's similar to meditation, being more of a listener to the mantra's subtle vibration than I am active in the role of repetition. The mantra really repeats itself and I am carried by its sounds to the point of stillness, just listening now to the vibrations play through silence. It's no longer an act of meditation as it is a merging of sound and listener to a single instant of belonging to the moment's silent hold. Really, meditation is the art of disappearance, as the listener becomes nothing more than the silence that they hear beneath the play of every sound. 

and it's to this that the first few words have led to, appearing from silence with a message from their home, reminding me that I am more of a listener than I am anything at all, or more truly still, that I am the silence that is heard. Words never quite capture the essence of this theme, writing about the absolute embrace of silence with the temporary use of words. It's important that I remain more of a listener than consideration of an artist, that I only borrow words for the sake of description and not investing them with a particular meaning of my own. Words only exist in silence, even as they're written down, or spoken, they retain the essence of their silent home. These words are simply a brief expressions emerging from silence, tracks left within their own absolute nature, serving only to remind myself that I am nothing more than a listener here, being just as temporary as my every thought and written word. 

I am more of a listener, but really, more so...the silence that is heard.


Peace, Eric 

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