Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Alive With Information

Alive with information: 

the better answer seems to be one of intelligence, not if the universe is consciousness or not but that everything is alive with information, coded and self-designed to be expressed exactly as it is. That seems to be the real mind blower to me, how everything within the universe knows how to gather itself as particles and energy and become specific objects. It's amazing that there is intelligence behind the formation of a dust mote, and that this same creative force knows to form every function of my body, and then as well to design galaxies and planets. There is information on how to be a dust mote, an exact recipe of particles, atoms, and the molecules of its small existence. This intelligence urges the cooperation of the same basic elements to cause a human body, a mind that can somehow reflect upon it's own creation, self-aware, and most of all - grateful to be exist at all. 

my body is alive with information.

that's the basic line of my cosmology, that I exist because the self-well of an intelligent system urged it so, created to be an aspect of this infinite arrangement, a dust mote of information that finds itself aware. I am alive with the information of the cosmos, and that I'm conscious is a reflection of this design. I am proof of this intelligence, self-evolved from single cell to the complexity of who I am now. That's my cosmology, my personal theory of evolution....that I'm alive with information. 

simply so.

and that nothing is ever lost with this - I'm an imprint of pure information, intelligence itself, coded within the very fabric of existence. An expression of all that is right now and has ever been before. It's an easy cosmology of self-reflection, gleaned through inquiry and quiet contemplation. Of course this doesn't mean that any of this is absolutely so, it's just a story after all, lyrically told of my existence. It's my own cosmology expressed in simple terms. Yet it's based upon a premise not to be denied....

that I'm alive with information. 

a universe of self-design. 


Peace, Eric 

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