Wednesday, August 17, 2022

My Writing

My writing: 

I'm not a non-duality teacher, my writing isn't based upon any set philosophy, and I don't offer anything that should ever be declared as an absolute truth. However, I do hope that what I write reflects an honest moment, something that's real to me, authentic, and yet also free to shift in its reflection, showing itself as possibilities to later be explored. My goal isn't to instruct, but to demonstrate my own sense of values here, to simply write whatever words are given to me each morning, playing with their order and arrangement, inspired, belonging fully to the moment of creation. 

that's it, nothing more...

and what I write is't to be judged by any standard but my own.

it's just words given to a page. 

my writing comes from a deep and long coming realization, that the important issue of the day is to simply be myself, honest, and without pretense, no forethought given as to how I should appear to others. I love Ramana Maharshi's oft quoted line that there are no others, and it's with this freedom that I offer myself as your reflection and that you are mine as well. What we are is really just a conversation, not between two people, but of one self in various guise, communicating the information of the world, infinite aspects reporting to the whole. 

my writing is only information gathered, offered as such, no meant to be taken as anything more than a momentary reflection of the morning. I find myself mentioning this often, a reminder, and perhaps not so much for the sake of others, but to keep myself honest in what I offer, not writing of bias and opinion, only what comes through inspiration, from our conversation of the world. My writing informs the page, and through extension who happens to read my words, it's information, fictional in a sense, of who I am this morning, for just the moment of this writing. 

that self is already gone.

another conversation started. 

and perhaps I'll write of this tomorrow.

my writing....

just words given to a page.

nothing more. 


Peace, Eric 

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