Monday, August 22, 2022

A Little Note

A little note: 

karma is the motion of life, it's not a justice system, nothing is rewarded and no punishment is issued forth - really, we can't even truly say it's result producing as every effect is already shifting to the motion of infinite causes and no outcome is ever lasting. This is just a little note on karma, my own insight based on study, and more deeply so on my observation of the world. Nothing I write here is meant to be a treatise on the subject of karma, my words are only a lyrical expression of a subject come to mind. 

it's just my writing for the morning.

a little note on karma.

and it's a subject deeply misunderstood, mostly viewed as punishment and reward, a belief system of our own wishful thinking for justice to be served. But karma itself is much more subtle, it's not a scale that measures deeds and actions, nor is it a cosmic law that's somehow separate from our daily affairs and observes our lives through a lens of judgement. Karma literally means action, and again it's simply motion, life, and how it continuously plays as a universal function.

karma is what we are.



of course there appears to be cause and effect, actions always produce some sort of a response, and in the case of karma this seems to carry on as some sort of system, that our actions now will later shape the outcome of our lives. And this is true, at least a bit. The thing is, there are no lasting results, and that's the grace of karma, everything is in motion right now, continuously shifting, a constant grace of letting go of all that every came before. Karma can't truly be viewed through the lens of time because there's only what's happening right now, this moment alone, and yes, there appears to be direct lines tracing the past to any event that's present, but it's an illusion really, as all there is motion, untraceable, subtle, infinite by its very nature.

karma provides its own grace through motion. 

no result is real, or lasting.

and so we don't escape karma, it's senseless to even try. It's simply and only life, happening, and we are but a brief moment of its expression. The key to understanding karma - is grace. Each moment is an opportunity of creation, not for the future, as that will be cared for on it's own. our concern is for the karma of the present, right now, participating as the action of the moment. To be happy, be the cause that brings happiness to the present. Karma is a very complex issue, but this moment itself is very simple, innocent of concepts. 

it's grace. 

this is just my writing for the moment, a little note on karma, a lyrical expression offered only for the moment. 


Peace, Eric 

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