Thursday, August 4, 2022

Once I started Listening

Once I started listening: 

once I started listening to the morning, deeply so and in hours long before the show of dawn, there was never a wish to have it filled with sounds that didn't seem to belong here, sounds not fitting of the hushed tones that these moments offered. There is a tenderness to these hours, soft awakenings, nothing yet rushed to know the coming day. That will happen soon enough, but right now is a time of listening, catching silence in its pure allowing mode, how each sound is eased towards my hearing, seamlessly so, as if a secret whispered for my ears alone. 

once I started listening to the morning, to the silence existing just before the edge of any sound, I heard the world slowly stir itself awake, tentatively, emerging from a softer mode of its expression to one more suited to the light. This is a magical time, nothing ever seems sudden, a slow but instant manifestation of dawn, and that its every shifting shade offers a slightly different tone,  each with a vibrational quality of its own, it's own secret sound to share to those that care to listen. 

so I guard these precious hours, being holy to me now, waking earlier and earlier still to catch every quality of their expression. I meditate to ready myself for further listening, deeper, offering my own silent mind to match what the morning offers to me, sharing an allowing nature for whatever wishes to emerge. Once I stated listening to the morning everything about the world changed, I grew accustom to subtle shifts of sound, almost anticipating the exact moment that silence parts seamless to a thought, ideas form and then commit themselves to words. This is where I write from, an infinite field of silence touched by those subtle seeds of inspiration, ideas then gently nurtured to the page. 

my morning slowly stirred alive, awake...

once I started listening.


Peace, Eric 

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