Tuesday, November 10, 2020

There's A Path

 There's a path:

of course there's a path - and my every step at once reveals my only destination. This is it, truly, there is no further awakening beyond this moment, no ultimate understanding, nor final enlightenment. There's nothing more than this, and that's the path itself, my step realizing it's sure place against earth, my breathing drawing near the air of our connection. The path is now - and it's all I do. 

and so it is with practice - nothing I do will make me more awake than now, awareness remains present even as I step away from my meditation mat. My practice is simply life, reminders I'm given through the day that serve as a wink and nod from mystery. My view serves in this as well, showing me both the world in all its details and my own absence from its hold. I practice seeing in all its obvious showing. It's an easy way of practice, just allowing life to be, noting my own belonging, and going on my way. Even as I sit in meditation it's not to gain anything, there is no seeking to arrive to any certain sense of peace. I sit, for the pure and simple pleasure of my sitting. That's my practice. 

everything happens now. So this is alone is my moment to awaken, life itself was all the practice needed to arrive here. I'm awake - simply because I am. I'm not declaring this, it's just a note of wonder, finding myself aware right now, through no effort of my own. Is there is more? Another, higher, state of being? If there is it's not now. This moment, being aware, is what I have - my path and practice is life. I'm in no hurry for anything more. 


Peace, Eric 

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