Monday, November 16, 2020

My own seeing:

it's just how I see the world, not offered as opinion but only from my view - it's my own seeing, taking place from a capacity that serves in seamless hold to all the world. What I write is a description of what really can't be told. Yet everyone shares this view. 

it's simply seeing.

this is an easy inquiry of what's seen - noting everything as an object found within the world, something to be experienced in someway, known for sure by the senses. There are objects and the space of their surroundings. It's the common way I view the world. But not always, it's not seeing, not true seeing from the point where I am absent from the view. 

tracing what's seen, any object, back to the beginning of being observed - and I only find more view, another object seen as body, the same spacious surrounding that holds every other item of the world. I find emptiness where an observer should be. And too, I find this space aware, intimately knowing itself as the view and every object in its hold. This seeing is without witness, although a witness does belong. It's seeing without claim, nor demand, and I find myself included without a line of clear division, seamless too in my belonging. 


seeing is always available, it's a present moment reality, abiding through my own forgetful looking, and never once wavering in its flow. I'm always seeing, even as I lose myself as object in the world. I remain whole, seamless, and aware. So do you. We see each other in this first truth, a shared together of spaciousness and form. 

we simply see.


Peace, Eric 

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