Saturday, November 7, 2020

From Seamless Expansion

 From seamless expansion:

it's the world - as given through the senses, a translation of direct experience happening each moment to something my mind can easily understand. From this, listening becomes what's heard, a label to each sound. My view is transformed from seamless expansion to objects found separate from each other, and my own split from belonging to the world. This isn't necessarily wrong. It's just not reality, at least not completely. 

reality is whole, or perhaps it's better suited to say wholeness - one thing appearing as the distinctions of the world. I prefer to say seamless, and of course none of this actually captures what's truly on, my preference for description is simply poetic license to write these words. Reality escapes me in description but is always, simply, exactly what's going on. 

so seamless is my word of preference only because this seems to be my direct experience, that I find no point of separation from the reach of morning sounds to my listening. Nothing has to find me, I am present, now, and here, for what's to heard. There is nothing I need to do for this to happen, it's an effortless art of just listening. 

even as my thoughts add labels it all remains as a seamless view, an easy expansion of seeing how space allows itself to be lent as nature - of how a flower belongs as much to the air of its surrounding as to the earth that holds its roots. This too is carried to my own seeing, holding the same flower in my view is offering space for it to be in my experience, rooted right now in my very own existence. 

seamless all. 

my translation of the world is my own, although I've inherited words to apply each experience, their directness happening belongs to me alone. I offer what I hear and see, providing meaning that's been added a moment after their occurrence. Reality is always, only, first. There really is no after. Even my thoughts of this description are seamless in their belonging. 


Peace, Eric 

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