Tuesday, November 17, 2020

My True Belonging

My True Belonging:

as if I could ever find myself someplace other, not present to the only moment offered - it's always here, and I'm never removed from this, right now is my true belonging. And even as my thoughts wander, revisiting years ago or imagining far tomorrows - I remain as clear presence, the allowing point for the mind to travel. 

who I am never wanders. 

just be, that's it and my full instructions to myself - to just be, and I find that this includes an innate present moment awareness, effortless, and not one that calls for a mindful demand. It's not about attention, or noting the details of a particular moment. It's relaxing as I am, as I find myself right now, and allowing life to reveal itself in the way it feels fit to show me. To just be means life, and what I am is alive, aware, and curious as to how this present moment seems to contain the whole of my existence. Even if I could there is no need to stray - life takes place right here, and always now. 

this is my true belonging, my only source - I am aware now, and in this sense awareness I find no lines to distinguish past from present, no separation between the aware presence of yesterday and of today. It's clear, line-less all the way to any point I can remember. 

just presence. 


and through no effort of my own - it's a somehow grace, to be alive, to be aware, to just...whatever happens next. It's all included. 

my true belonging is always here.


Peace, Eric 

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