Friday, November 13, 2020

From Simply This

From simply this: 

only this for certain - that I am, and I'm aware that it's so. Only this. One thing implies the other, to know that I exist is to note my own awareness, to be aware is the display of my existence. I surmise a world from simply this. 

it's the first I am aware, and then comes the rush to name and explain the world in easy meaning. To find myself as capacity is to invite awareness to be filled, and in the intimacy of this holding there is an urge to define and personalize what's found. I claim the world as mine and then divide it by label and design, describing it terms that force a sense of separation to my mind. I've come to see the world as certain, a quick forgetting of the mystery of it all. 

my return is always seeing, to look and let the view unfold in the manner that it will - my first glance, initial seeing, is truest yet, just the world before a single thing is certain. This is remembering, a return to basic understanding - all I know is I'm aware. Perhaps I can't help but to build a world around the simplicity of this, the urge to create something from the raw purity that's first found. Yet there is always this return, coming back to original view, uncertain of it all but my sense of wonder, alive and appreciate to find myself aware. 

the world comes later - at first there's simply seeing. 


Peace, Eric 

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