Sunday, November 1, 2020

Never Broken From The Whole


Never Broken from the whole: 

without interruption - and this is the true experience of life, that events aren't broken to distinct timelines, only changing through the new appearance of something other than before. My life is always now. It's inescapable and nothing interrupts its flow. Yes, the unexpected happens, sometimes sudden and often not at all what I would wish for. But life continues, different now perhaps, yet seamless too - the essence of being alive, let's call it presence, simply allows one more thing within its hold. Life goes on. Never broken from the whole. 

for me, this is grace - just a term for life's allowing nature, how it always continues on a course I can't control, and yet always seems to accept my every way of being. Through this I can relax in an easy knowing that nothing is permanent, life wasn't broken by an unwanted appearance, that through this seamless grace I remain whole, unbroken in the essence that I am. 

this is easy for me to know, although for years it was unnoticed - just my view alone holds the world unbroken, one object continuing to the next without real interruption, a true connection of formlessness in its becoming of something solid. So too with listening, every sound emerging from its silent hold, and still silence remains, lending itself for the music of the world to be made. More subtle, my thoughts too belong within this flow - how I find myself aware of what's whispered through the mind, a presence of some inner listening that never seems to waiver. 

this seems an endless pattern, a design of continuation that simply allows life's full expression - whatever that may be. Through this I find myself included, not part of the whole, but uninterrupted in my inclusion, seamless, complete. 

what I am - is never broken from the whole. 


Peace, Eric 

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