Monday, November 23, 2020

One Reality

One reality:

as if reality could be anything other than this, exactly what's found now in every possible distinction, formless and in form. It's all one thing really, one reality that includes my individual sense of self within the whole of its existence. Nothing is excluded from this, what appears as an illusion belongs for whatever length of stay it's believed in, reality is seamless in its embrace. 

everything belongs.

it's air - breathing in the reality of one thing to sustain life, a simple breath, and yet its truth is of components added as the whole. My body only knows to breathe, the actuality of air for its existence. The complexities are left unexplained, unneeded for that single breath. Breathing is found as infinite aspects drawn to the point of now - life and its continuation. 

it's just one thing. 

this is all I really need to know, it's enough for me to relax in a sense of true belonging - I am included as the whole, an aspect that mingles in the very substance of air, a component of life, breathing its continuation. To find myself aware of this is simply part of reality, the mystery of consciousness being another one of its expressions. 

there is no reality without me.

only because I exist, it's not argument for any sense of greater self, only that I am right now, and fully part of reality in all of its mystery. I am as air, and breath - infinite aspects, but still, and only life. As if there could be anything other than this. 


Peace, Eric 

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