Friday, November 27, 2020

As Wholeness

As wholeness:

to know myself as wholeness, this certain sense that everything belongs without true separation, seamless, and complete - it's my own experience, without need of verification, and I make no real effort to explain. I only offer words in illustration. There's nothing to prove, or to even understand, and there's no need to believe that is even so. 

it's just my words.

of course the world seems made of parts, objects separated through space from one another, my own distance from you, and our belief that we encompass an are of our own. It's true, the world is made of distinctions, things and divided by time and space. Events. But it's a truth of illusion, the real fiction of how unfolds. Reality doesn't have to be understood to be experienced. It simply is. My reality is breath - drawn right now as air, complete, one thing in giving life. There's no need for me to know the elements of this giving. I just breathe. Every aspect of air is one thing to be drawn by a similar aspect known as me, particles arranged as form, energy somehow gathered. Through every distinction - it's all still experienced as life. 


This is what I feel, life, and not the components of it's expression - it's one thing in experience. It's the same through all of my senses. My listening is separated from any sound heard, the view not broken down is parts. Everything's complete. Whole. I know it all as life. One thing in infinite variety. And even what comes to seem divided belongs seamless to the whole. 

others explain this differently, or have another philosophy all together - this is only what I offer, my own experience of this moment. 

nothing more. 


Peace, Eric 

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