Sunday, September 10, 2023

Yoga of Circumstance

Yoga of circumstance: 

it's about finally placing ourselves in the right location, we could call it the yoga of circumstance,  or grace aligned, and it's through no small part of simply showing up consistently over time. That's the key to good fortune, skill plays a role of course, as well as right knowledge of the particular situation, and intuition too, having the ability to listen to a deeper sense of wisdom - and it's through this that we literally place ourselves in the most auspicious of occasions. 

every time. 

it's the yoga of circumstance. 

or we could call it good fortune. 

for me it's yoga, union, infinite aspects of life joined in display of this moment, and that I simply find myself in the confluence of these affairs. Fortunate indeed. Yet it is my practice that has brought me here, my patience, showing up through my every wish of what might occur, and then just as easily letting each expectation go and enjoying the sweetness of the moment exactly as it's found. 

with this...everything's auspicious. 

my most recent example is finding myself under an owl tree. For weeks I've traced the owls by sound, showing up close but never quite able to pinpoint a location. I've gathered information on their habits, knowledge of where they like to hunt and rest, steering my walks in their most likely area, frequently pausing to listen for their call. Most often, nothing, only insects, occasionally hearing a car in distance commute, or an early rising heavy footed runner drawing near. But sometimes, if I keep showing up, magic happens. 

I find myself beneath an owl tree. 

happily listening to their calls, 

watching their silhouette framed against the still dark sky, catching them in flight as they return to their hunt. The yoga of circumstance brought me here, with time acting in my favor as a key participant for these events to happen. My morning practice is to show up, walking each morning, placing myself in their most likely location and then simply being patient. What I discover is the joy of practice, that there doesn't have to be a particular reward aside from the pleasure of these early morning outings. That every moment is auspicious, aligned by grace, magical. 

it's all the yoga of circumstance.  

every bit of it. 


Peace, Eric 

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