Sunday, September 24, 2023



yoga appeals to me because of it's unique ability to bring about a change at my most fundamental level of being, that it's not just the means of an awakening, but a deep release of all that's false about myself, and that I then reside within a larger sense of liberation. There's a sharp distinction here, with awakening being an initial step in seeing reality in its bare essence, and then liberation is the transformation that occurs through the practice of living from there. 

for me,

yoga is that practice. 

of course not everyone holds this as being true, and I'm not writing these words to convince anyone otherwise, I have no stake in my opinion.  I'm only conveying what seems so to me, of how my own practice continues to deepen and unfold in such treasured and surprising ways. The wonderful thing about our initial awakening is that we then have an entire lifetime to explore our new perspective. Yet it seems so often that we continue to find our behavior tied so immersed within the patterns of personality, still enslaved by our previous conditioning. 

my wish is to be free of being controlled by these patterns.

of at least to be aware of how them. 

and it seems that's enough for transformation to occur, or it's a beginning. With just a little light shown on these patterns they seem to lesson their hold, a sense of ease pervades, and I'm not pushed and pulled by the strong winds of my opinions and desires. My beliefs are held a bit more lightly now, no longer forced upon myself nor insisted onto others. I haven't reached nirodha, cessation of the fluctuating of mind, yet I am often a witness to their play now, smiling as I feel the strong pull in their direction. What I am is simply aware of their presence, how deeply their ingrained as an aspect of my personality. My practice isn't to remove these patterns, but just to note how they seem to leap from nowhere to the forefront of my mind. My practice is that smile of recognition - even if it occurs after my reaction to their call.  

and with this...


I'm transformed. 


Peace, Eric 

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