Thursday, September 14, 2023

The Path

it seems I've stepped back on the path, perhaps a seeker once again, but not with an endpoint in mind, there's no quest here for enlightenment, nor even reaching for a a particular goal. I'm simply exploring what the practice of yoga offers me right now, especially at this point in my life, being older, and perhaps with a bit lower expectations as to where this path might lead me. 

my only wish is to be an honest yogi.

being true to the experience that each moment holds. 

the truth is that I've never fully stepped off the path, even with the realization that it's the very ground I travel that holds my answers and there is no need to continue with a search. It seems there's a deeper realization at hand now, one of breath and posture, a mantra playing through my mind, and all without need of a final destination. I'm simply drawn to my practice,in a way I've never been before, a settled routine of asana and meditation, walking through the woods before dawn, writing - my entire life expressed as yoga. 

it's feels perfect to me right now. 


as if the path spontaneously meets my stride in the very moment a step is taken. 

and surrendering myself to mystery...

I have this moment to explore. 


Peace, Eric 

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