Saturday, September 2, 2023

Of Natural Darkness


Of natural darkness:

as my walks have become earlier in the morning now, hours before sunrise, I’ve begun to notice the almost total lack of darkeness, and that even the light once offered by stars and moon has dimmed to a dull glow, their shine dampened by the excess light of the world and our growing need to stay busy. It seems we’ve lost most of our natural night, replaced by the constant glare of an ever active world.

the shine of stars and moon have faded in competition to artificial light.

they no longer illuminate our skies.

we’ve lost our love of natural darkness.

as well, our circadian rhythms are out of sync with the pattern of light and darkness, as we were once part of an organic cycle that governed our bodies and mood, and that now we reply almost entirely on artificial means to wake us, or being lulled to deep sleep. As well we’ve disrupted the lives of plants and animals, causing drastic change in their behavior, no longer influenced by the comfort of natural darkness.

our love of artificial light has changed every aspect of the world.

and sadly, not for its benefit.

we’ve lost more than ever gained.

our night skies have fallen out of favor.

and we are so much the less for it.


Peace, Eric

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