Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Our Personal Evolution

Our personal evolution: 

yoga transforms the brain, it's as if there's a continuation of our personal evolution towards a more beneficial lifestyle, a growing connection with our deepest, most compassionate selves. We are becoming who we most truly are. Of course this has been known since ancient times, not spoken of in the scientific language of today, but non the less expressed in similar fashion - yoga is our personal evolution towards our greatest potential. 

and science bears this out. 

it's long been known that yoga reduces anxiety and stress, eases depression, calming and centering the mind. Yet research today also reveals that yoga actually strengthens the brain, with cells forming new connections that result in improved cognitive skills, our learning and memory enhanced through its practice. Parts of the brain that play vital roles in memory, attention, and language are strengthen by our time on the yoga mat. We quite literally continue to evolve. 

yoga has been shown to be therapeutic, being a viable means of navigating through depression and anxiety. My personal experience has shown this to be so, not as any type of cure, but as a life preserves through some of my darkest times. What's yet to be studied, at least in a science lab, is how yoga grows our sense of compassion, expanding the heart center until it touches the corners of our world that have been long ignored and close to forgotten. 

yoga teaches us to remember who we are. 

our personal evolution continues through its practice. 

and the world benefits by our effort. 


Peace, Eric 

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