Thursday, September 7, 2023

Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha

Yogas  chitta vritti nirodha: 

yoga offers me sudden breakthroughs of both asanas and insights. After months of slowly trying to reach past a long familiar comfort zone, and then to unexpectedly find myself in a deeper position, holding a posture steadier and longer then before - a whole new territory of mind and body to now explore. Yet the point is never about striving, or pushing past that place of comfort. It's as Patanjali offered in his yoga sutras, yogas chitta vritti nirodha, that yoga is the stilling of the mind, not wavering from a firm fixation of whatever posture's being held. 

about finding myself at home...

exactly where I am. 

and that's the true breakthrough, and even though it often might feel as if it happens suddenly, it's actually been a lifetime for me to reach here, and even the briefest moment of this steadiness of mind is an enormous revelation -

that it's always been present. 

but that I've missed this realization though my own actual practice of distractions and demands, using yoga, as well as life, to strive for things that never truly satisfy, always reaching for the next best opportunity and experience. Never really allowing myself to be present, to be home. 

yogas chitta vritti nirodha.

yoga is the practice of being home. 

exactly where we are. 


Peace, Eric 

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