Sunday, September 17, 2023

Accustomed to the Dark

Accustomed to the dark: 

my morning walks are well before dawn, still an hour or so before sunrise, and much of path is darkened even more as it winds through some deeper woods. I'm growing accustomed to the dark, carry a small handheld flashlight for when absolutely needed, but I prefer to let my eyes adjust to the conditions of each step, going no faster than my sight allows. Of course this often brings a slower pace, my steps tentative until my eyes make the necessary adjustments. Yet there is so much more to gain through natural darkness, noting how the path emerges to my view without the slightest disturbance of light, my steps gaining a sense of surety as they proceed, and the night begins to feel like home. 

that I'm growing accustomed to the dark. 

 I'm always hesitant to use my light, even if it's to catch a glimpse of a long awaited animal I've been eager to sight. I've been night stalking owls and foxes, hopeful of spotting the ever elusive suburban coyote that's said to prowl my neighborhood. My goal is to meet them on their terms, not to blind them with a sharp light just for the benefit of an easier show. I'm in their territory, these are their hours and I'll be an intruder for as long as I try to make the night bend to my own terms and limited vision, bringing false light to their home of darkness. 

and so I allow myself to grow accustom to the dark,

feeling more at home here. 

almost as if it's my territory as well. 

years ago I cam across the description of something called the gait of power, a method taught to Carlos Castaneda by his mentor Don Juan. The details of this method escape me now, but what I remember is that there's a special way of moving through darkness, of joining myself to the power of the night, traveling with a sense of ease and keen awareness. My early morning adventures seem to be a desire to regain this dark power,  rejoining myself to the night, no longer relying on the false security that a small light provides me.

traveling with ease and keen awareness.

accustomed to the dark.


Peace, Eric 

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